Ancient aliens season 1 the visitors
Ancient aliens season 1 the visitors

ancient aliens season 1 the visitors

We say, how incredible, uh, unique we are in the whole universe. So if every star had a planet with intelligent life, how many alien civilizations would we have?ĮRICH VON DANIKEN: If you take us as the crown of creation, or the top of evolution, we look at our self as the greatest, the biggest. And in our universe, we think there are more than 100 billion galaxies. SARA SEAGER: Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has over 100 billion stars. And to think that we’re the only ones in this vast period of time, to me, is absurd. The presence of our civilization in that vast scale of time I mean, if I click my finger, it wouldn’t even be fast enough to say this is the time of our civilization. ROBERT BAUVAL: People tend to forget that we’re on a planet that’s four and a half billion years old. There is probably intelligent life somewhere. There are things out there we do not understand. JONATHAN YOUNG: I do think looking upward makes sense. But what is it exactly that makes so many people believe? Today, public opinion polls indicate more than half the world’s population believes aliens have either come here in the past or are coming here now.

ancient aliens season 1 the visitors

I think there’s something in the human being itself that is striving, that is hungry for this knowledge in order to answer questions about our own existence. GEORGE NOORY: Something happened at Roswell, New Mexico a long time ago. STEVEN GREER: Almost everyone’s heard about the so-called Roswell event, and one of the real implications of disclosure is that some of our most cherished myths about the origins of the human race and our history and archaeology would fall apart. Some people talk about this in terms of information that would be shattering to our worldview. NICK POPE: Speculation about why the Roswell crash would be covered up is difficult to pin down.

ancient aliens season 1 the visitors


These conflicting reports sent shock waves around the world, and the name “ Roswell” became a pop culture code word that forever links extraterrestrial visitation with enduring mystery. The next day, the military changed its story and announced that what they had found was a weather balloon. Several weeks later, the U.S.Army issued a press release confirming the existence of an alien craft. But that changed in 1947 when a local rancher reported that a spaceship crashed on his property. This sleepy town in America’s Southwest was once best known for its large military airbase. But what if it were true? Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? And if so, where did they come from? And just who were the visitors? LINDA HOWE: The idea that there was one or more non-human groups inspiring us is the truth. Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. MICHAEL CREMO: Practically every human civilization have been in touch with extraterrestrial beings.ĭAVID CHILDRESS: The Mayans and the Aztecs. Related Ancient Aliens: The Evidence – Part 1 Most believe these alien encounters are a modern phenomenon, but the fact is they have been reported for thousands of years. “I was taken onboard a ufo in the Mojave Desert and given I saw two great big, really bright lights hanging up in the air…” ( Ivan) Reports of UFO sightings come from all corners of the globe. EMF Harmonized (Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Radiation Protection.Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD.


Media Archive (Shows, Videos, Presentations).Into the Storm (Hosted by Justin Deschamps).

Ancient aliens season 1 the visitors